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harga Optec Korset Kaki AFO Long Foot (left/right)

Optec Korset Kaki AFO Long Foot (left/right)

Berat: 0.4 kg Brand: OPTEC SKU: 24300TRV No Registrasi: AKL 11402911542

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

The Solid Ankle AFO is made of durable polypropylene plastic. The prefabricated AFO is available in four (4) sizes that include a wide range of men and women's shoe sizes. You may choose either the short or long sole plate for every size. Dorsiflexion assist, drop foot control, medial-lateral control, neurological deficit and plantar flexion resist are some typical indications for use. OPTEC's Solid Ankle AFO offers you the support your patient needs with the convenience of prefabrication.
• Available: Prefab stock sizes
• Trim Style: Short or long sole plate
• Material Options: Polypropylene 3/16” & 1/4”
• Attachments: Hook & loop closure kit

Harga Optec Korset Kaki AFO Long Foot (left/right) :

Rp1.687.950 10% off
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Total = Rp1.687.950
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Deskripsi Optec Korset Kaki AFO Long Foot (left/right)

The Solid Ankle AFO is made of durable polypropylene plastic. The prefabricated AFO is available in four (4) sizes that include a wide range of men and women's shoe sizes. You may choose either the short or long sole plate for every size. Dorsiflexion assist, drop foot control, medial-lateral control, neurological deficit and plantar flexion resist are some typical indications for use. OPTEC's Solid Ankle AFO offers you the support your patient needs with the convenience of prefabrication.
• Available: Prefab stock sizes
• Trim Style: Short or long sole plate
• Material Options: Polypropylene 3/16” & 1/4”
• Attachments: Hook & loop closure kit

• Ankle & Foot Management
• Drop-Foot Control
• Dorsi-Flexion Assist
• Medial-Lateral Control
• Neurological Deficit
• Plantar Flexion Resist

For over 20 years OPTEC USA has been a leader in the development & manufacturing of custom and prefabricated orthoses, while offering unparalleled customer support. We set the benchmark as a manufacturing specialist by implementing the latest technology, research & development, production methods, raw materials and finished products. We continuously provide the “best products for better health” at an exceptional price, resulting in the best value for our customers. OPTEC products help you get it right the first time, thus saving time and money, while increasing patient satisfaction and compliance


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