PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga Urometer 500 GS-1018-500 Romsons

Urometer 500 GS-1018-500 Romsons

Berat: 0.0 kg Brand: Romsons SKU: 005-8101SG-005-MRU-SMR

Harga Urometer 500 GS-1018-500 Romsons :

Rp290.000 17% off

Deskripsi Urometer 500 GS-1018-500 Romsons

* Closed urine drainage system with graduated
chamber to measure the urine output on hourly basis
in ICU & CCU's.
* 500 ml transparent chamber has four fine measuring
sections to measure the accurate & precise volume of
the urine.
* Collection chamber is provided with hydrophobic
filter to minimize the risk of urinary tract infection.
* Single handed operation of the valve for emptying all
chambers simultaneously.
* Bye pass system is provided to prevent the overflow.
* Two Itr capacity urine collecting bag with clamp & "T"
shaped bottom outlet.
* 120 cm long kink resistant tubing ensures unrestricted
flow of urine.
* Tapered connector with sampling port facilitates easy
& aseptic mid stream urine sampling.
* Flexible fastening strap for easy hanging to bed side.
* Sterile, individually packed in box.
* Box of 1/Master box of 20.

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