PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga Filtered Flo PACU blanked Adult size 92" x 50" (233,7cm) x (127cm)

Filtered Flo PACU blanked Adult size 92" x 50" (233,7cm) x (127cm)

Berat: 3.0 kg SKU: 05X29-UCAP-LFF No Registrasi: AKL 20902211625

Deskripsi Filtered Flo PACU blanked Adult size 92" x 50" (233,7cm) x (127cm)

Size: 92 inch x 50 inch (233.7cm x 127cm) The Adult blanket provides full coverage for a variety of patients of all sizes. The generous size and versatility of these blankets include extra material for the shoulders and feet. The foot drape also helps reduce the risk of thermal injury. This blanket was designed to be budget-friendly while continuing to provide the same quality for Effective Patient Warming. Adult blankets are used for pre-operative care, intra-operative care, post-operative care, and outpatient care. Ideal for use in the PACU, ICU, and OR.

Diskusi Filtered Flo PACU blanked Adult size 92" x 50" (233,7cm) x (127cm)

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