PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga Dr Ortho WB-527 Lumbar Support with 6 Stays Size XXL

Dr Ortho WB-527 Lumbar Support with 6 Stays Size XXL

Berat: 0.0 kg SKU: LXX725-ohtrO No Registrasi: AKL 11402020794

Harga Dr Ortho WB-527 Lumbar Support with 6 Stays Size XXL :

Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Deskripsi Dr Ortho WB-527 Lumbar Support with 6 Stays Size XXL

Dr. Ortho WB-527 Lumbar Breathable Back Suport with 6 Stays

Korset Dr. Ortho WB-527 Lumbar Support terbuat dari kain yg berpori sehingga tidak panas dan sangat elastis utk kenyamanan maksimal. Cocok utk dipakai sehari-hari bagi penderita cedera lumbar dan nyeri punggung (back pain).

* Designed to fit any body contour
* Six metal strips at the back enhance support and firmness
* Uses far-infrared elements
* Allows maximum comfort
* Ideal for daily use and pain relief
* ISO-Komposisi:
* 25% Nylon
* 25% Polyester
* 20% Rayon
* 15% Rubber
* 10% Foam
* 5% PVC

SIZE (Ukuran) diukur dari lingkar badan/punggung:
tinggi : 30 cm

S = 11" x 22" - 28"
M = 11' x 27" - 32"
L = 11" x 32" - 38"
XL = 11" x 37" - 43"
XXL = 11" x 42" - 48"
Warna: beige (krem).

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